Monday, October 6, 2008

Try It Tuesday: Smart Ones Breakfast Sandwiches

Welcome to "Try It Tuesday"! You might want to read the guidelines here before you sign Mr. Linky. Now, have you been shopping? Have you found something fabulous? Write your post, sign Mr. Linky and make sure you link to your blog post, not your blog. Thanks for participating!

I'm always looking for something new to eat for breakfast. I've already written about Granola and Pancakes and now I want to talk to you about breakfast sandwiches. I am all about the quick and easy breakfast and one that I can actually hold in my hand and gnaw on as I drive to school in the morning? Perfection. But most are way too high in fat and calories. And, even though I may be sprawled on the couch reading a book while Tom is running and sweating and getting into an annoyingly healthy condition, I do occasionally think about the fat and calories in the food I consume. As I am consuming it, usually.

But I read about these Smart Ones breakfast sandwich and decided to give them a chance.

And they were well worth it. They are moist, delicious and can be held in one hand as you drive a car. The TRIO of perfection when it comes to breakfast food. Try them. Let me know what you think.

Now sign Mr. Linky. Please. I mean please sign Mr. Linky.

Check out my Herald-Leader post today: Let's Do Lunch at Flag Fork Herb Farm


Lynda said...

Those actually look pretty good - and I agree - if you can drive with it, it's good!

Totallyscrappy said...

The Smart Ones frequently look good to me. I might have to give these a try.

Melissa B. said...

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm afraid I violated the rules, though. I signed Mr. Linky, but have nothing for you to try today, except the Great Plaid Campaign of Hot Tub Lizzy. Come to think of it, y'all should try out Lizzy's Platform!!