Monday, January 1, 2007

Mrs. Who's White Elephant Blog Giveaway Information

Mrs. Who's White Elephant Blog Giveaway

White Elephant: Something of dubious or limited value (value being in the eye of the beholder)

This is a blog giveaway of all the fabulously cute things I find at second-hand stores that I love but simply can't fit into my home for one reason or another. Because, you know. One man's trash is another man's cute little candle holder shaped like a daschund. Or something like that.

Every Monday I will host the White Elephant Blog Giveaway and will have something interesting to give away. Something I think is interesting anyway. Maybe you won't think it is interesting at all. So I will just take my fabulous plate with the raised image of the Statue of Liberty and keep it all to myself.

My preeeecioussssss.

OK. You know I don't actually have that candle holder or plate, right? Because those were just EXAMPLES. The stuff I have is much more fabulous than that. So. I will post pictures and a description and, if you want to have the fabulousness of this item in your very own home, you will need to make a comment.

You can comment on the wonderfulness that is me or you can say something like "I want that." Either is fine. Just comment. Then I will take the three ten one hundred many, many comments and randomly choose the lucky winner. We may end up with just three comments from my family members and that's fine. Saves me shipping costs. I can just hand it to them.

I will give everyone until Friday night to comment. Then I will email you for information and ship your package. If you do not have a blog link in your comment, you will need to leave an email address so I can contact you. Are you ready? The excitement is palpable.

Remember to check back every Monday. You just never know what you might find that you, quite simply, can't live without.

List of Blog Giveaways

Dessert Dishes - Wednesday, February 13

Tiny Owls - Monday, February 18


Anonymous said...

The bowls are cute. I love them. You're so nice to give stuff away.
Buffalo Gal

Cyndi B. said...

Don't know if we're supposed to leave the comment here or back on the front page, but here's my comment again. Cute bowls! I'm in!

Maggie W. said...

Cute. I love it!

Brightmyer said...

Wonderful idea!

Anonymous said...

You're a brave woman to mail stuff to us. I have the best of intentions, but am terrible about getting stuff in the mail.

Mistress Meeyee said...

I am excited already! i would love to win!

Henry said...

i do love a giveaway. and i'm doing one rightnow if you want to get in on the freebie action!