Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh, And Coincidentally...

At lunch the other day in the teachers lounge (which, incidentally, is a complete MISNOMER because it is extremely difficult to lounge when you have 25 minutes to eat lunch) someone mentioned how their daughter was participating in this yoga class at college they called "Hot Yoga". Not nearly as sexy as it sounds, apparently they keep the room at a toasty 105 degrees while they do Yoga. It aids in the stretching and, I'm sure, in the sweating. She said it had another name but she couldn't remember what it was.

Huh. Interesting. Never heard of it IN MY LIFE but interesting.

I came home that night and was browsing through blogs when I found this quote on a new blog (Camels and Chocolate) "I’m in my Bikram yoga class, the kind where the room is kept at sauna level, around 105 degrees, and reeks like moldy socks."

Seriously? Hot Yoga? Something I have NEVER HEARD ABOUT IN MY LIFE? And I hear about it twice in one day? Does this ever happen to you? I'm telling you, it happens to me all the time. I will hear about something and then immediately hear or read about it so quickly, it is just unbelievable.

Does this happen to you?


Merrie said...

I have NEVER heard of such a thing either! It doesn't sound like anything I'd enjoy though. I hate to sweat! I enjoy the yoga stretches, but sweating and not being able to breath???? no thanks!
Merrie Christmas!

Granny Annie said...

I first read of The Twilight Saga Series on a blog. I didn't pay too much attention, then my son arrived and mentioned that my 12 year old granddaughter is reading The Twilight Saga Series. Suddenly it is everywhere as the big hit among children and adults as well and I didn't know a thing.

Natalie said...

I am with Granny Annie. I picked up the first book in the Twilight series this summer, having not heard a thing about it! I thought it sounded good and I needed something to read. Then it seemed like everywhere I turned they were talking about the Twilight series.

Anonymous said...

yes, this happens to me a lot.....scary, huh. vj

Lynda said...

I think it happens to everyone - pregnant women start seeing pregnant people everywhere. When you get a new car, you start seeing that model EVERYWHERE - and you thought you were one of few, etc... it just is what it is.

Anonymous said...

Stuff like that happens to me ALL THE TIME.

And as for the hot yoga, I think maybe it's primarily a West Coast, especially California, which is all hippy-dippy-trippy and into every form of yoga under the sun (though they actually do have hot yoga classes in Nashville, where I'm from). I do not fall under the aforementioned stereotype; however, I love this form of yoga, because as an athlete, I find it gives me one hardcore workout and has aided in injury prevention.

But still, nothing stinks more than a roomful of 30 people working out in a 105-degree enclosed space ;-)

aclaypot4him said...

A friend just mentioned hot yoga to me two days ago, first time I had ever heard of it. I think it got very popular this week. :O)