Thursday, July 17, 2008

One Word Meme

Hey I'm a guest blogger! Check it out.

Here's a Meme for you. And it's not as easy as you might think. Answer each question with a one word answer. Thanks to SAHMmy Says for this one. If you are reading and have a blog, you are tagged.

1. Where is your cell phone? Purse

2. Where is your significant other? Treadmill

3. Your hair? Wet

4. Your mother? Tired

5. Your father? Gone

6. Your favorite thing? Books

7. Your dream last night? Beach

8. Your dream/goal? Freelancer

9. The room you're in? Office

10. Your fear? Sharks

11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Cruising

12. Where were you last night? TV

13. What you're not? Slim

14. Muffins? Chocolate

15. One of your wish list items? Slim

16. Where you grew up? Everywhere

17. The last thing you did? Bath

18. What are you wearing? Jammies

19. Your TV? Off

20. Your pet? None

21. Your computer? Dell

22 Your life? Perfect

23. Your mood? Relaxed

24. Missing someone? No

25. Your car? Hybrid

26. Something you're not wearing? Bra

27. Your summer? Fabulous

28. Your favorite color? Blue

29. When is the last time you laughed? Today

30. Last time you cried? Months

31. Who will resend this? Anyone!

Check out my Lexington Herald-Leader post today: Hall's On The River


Gayla said...

Mrs Who, is there a secret trick to leaving a comment on your Herald-Leader Blog? When I click to leave a comment, it just takes me to the first existing comment. There is no place to type.

Gayla (Jenn's fellow teacher)