Friday, November 16, 2007

For Fun Friday

See if you can get a good picture of Superman. I got pretty good at this!

OK, this one is not FUN so much as SCARY. Check it out.
Tuck in Your Shirt!

Do you know which presidential candidate you support? I am so liberal, the guy I ended up with will never be president. See how you do.

How's your vocabulary? Check it out - and donate rice at the same time!

And finally. If you have a cat. If you have EVER had a cat. You MUST watch this video.


Mrs4444 said...

That video is hilariously frightening. Good one!

I love, love, love your masthead. Now, if I could just figure out how to make one...

The cat video is the best; I belly-laughed throughout.

Thanks for sharing your gift.

Ortizzle said...

That Superman thing is addictive.

That pants thing is WAY TOO SCARY.

Nance said...

Yet another reason for the male of the species to abandon the horrific huge pants. And I did pretty well with Superman! Too addictive, though. I am loathe to forward it to my husband, who will fritter away too much time on it. I will bookmark it and save it for later.

Nance said...

P.S.--How scary is it that my candidate is actually FOUR, completely evenly split among the Democrats Hillary, Edwards, Dodd, and Obama?