Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adding A "Subscribe By Email" Option To Your Blog

I don't know about anyone else but I have been trying to figure out how to add this subscribe by email option for ages. I don't know if I just have some sort of technological deficiency (shut up, Tom) or what but I just could not figure out how to let people subscribe by email to my blog.

I really wanted this as an option for my new travel blog so I could drive a lot of traffic to that blog so my Travel Authority peoples will appreciate the fabulousness that is me and immediately offer to send me to Bora-Bora for two weeks to lie on the beach stuff my face with food write all about my experience. Hey. It could happen.

Anyway, thanks to my BFF Google, I finally figured it out the other day and I thought I would share this site with you so you can add this option as well. Unless you already have it. And if you do? WHY haven't you shared how to do it with me?

Oh. I didn't ask?

Well, you should TOTALLY by psychic enough to read my mind and know my needs.

What kind of friend are you ANYWAY?

Don't forget to check out Heather's fabulous Valentine giveaway on her blog!

And check out my travel blog today about a great deal for Cancun.


Lynda said...

Hey! Thanks for the site!

The Mother Tongue said...

Many, many thanks for the linkage. BTW, if I sounded weird on the phone, I have a rotten head cold and just feel gross and tired.

Love the subscribe by email option! I would never have thought of that. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for Googling stuff! When do they NOT have the answer to everything!? :P