Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Little Crumbs Add Up To Big Crumbs

OK, I have discovered something EXTREMELY COOL and I have to share it with you. Look over there on the right, at the top of the page. See that link to a site called "BigCrumbs"? You know how people have all these links on their blogs to make money or to cost you money or just to waste your time? Yeah. This is NOT one of those.

I found it recently by accident on another blog and it said something about making money, so, even though I was HIGHLY SKEPTICAL, I went there. And, y'all. I am a convert. Here is what is does basically. Whenever you shop online, just go there through BigCrumbs instead of directly to the site. Uh. First sign up on BigCrumbs so you have an account. OK. Now go there, then to...say, Where, as you know, they have very cute tops. (And don't forget to go there as I immediately did the next day when I shopped some more at Wal-mart and went directly to the Wal-mart site. You HAVE to go through BigCrumbs or you won't get credit for shopping.) Then, just shop normally. In a few days, you will GET MONEY IN YOUR ACCOUNT.

It works, I'm telling you. Now, it's not a lot of money. I think I spent about $50 on the Wal-mart site and got maybe a couple of dollars back. But that's really just found money. Money you would not have had if you were not a member of BigCrumbs. And you would be shopping online anyway (yes, I mean you Carole) so you might as well get some money back.

I waited to make sure it was on the up-and-up and I actually got some money back before I recommended it and it seems to be. They have been in business for two years. Ebay is on there and so are a ton of other online shopping sites.

I'm trying not to make this sound like some sort of gimmick or advertisement, because it's really not. It worked for me. Apparently, they are in partnership with all these online shopping sites, who pay them part of what people spend to shop, so they can afford to give some of it back to the shoppers. I guess it's convenient for people to have all those shopping sites together.

Now, if you are going to do it, please click over there on my link and sign up, because if you go through my blog, I get some fraction of a cent for everyone who signs up.

And who knows?

If, like, 10,000 people sign up. I might get enough for a new pair of shoes.

Hey. It could happen.


Anonymous said...

You are so all adds up doesn't it. Good Post, thanks for sharing...

Becky said...

Thanks for sharing. I will have to check it out.
Very cute header and title to your blog!!!

Ariel said...

Awesomeness! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Whatever makes you think I shop online?? The birthday list with 50 different shopping sites? Okay, I confess, I do serious shopping online. It's just SO much easier than wandering through stores when one has funky knees. I will definitely check this place out. Who can argue with free money??

Anonymous said...

with prices of gas going up every day i do a lot of my shopping online and every penny i can save, is a penny i can spend on something else!n great post!

SAHMmy Says said...

Great tip--will try it out. I don't use Ebates anymore since they skipped out on the $10 gift card I was supposed to get at Christmas for signing up with them.

Carolina Mama said...

what a cool find! thanx for sharing. and if i sign up, you'r ehte one. :) sounds great.

Unknown said...

Are you a CrumbSaver or a CrumbEarner? I wasn't sure which one to sign up for.

Tara said...

lol good idea.. I will check it out!!! Thanks.