Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Try It Tuesday: Blue Bunny Frozen Yogurt Sandwiches

I really thought I had found the perfect ice cream sandwich with the Skinny Cow products. And they really are completely fabulous. I even tried some mint ice cream sandwiches the other day from Weight Watchers and they could not BEGIN to compare. And seriously. Weight Watchers needs to fire the person who keeps telling them their ice cream is good because really. It is NOT. Have you tried those little ice cream cups? Uh. How can I put this?

GAG. They taste like frozen cardboard.

But back to Skinny Cow. They are indeed wonderful but I now have a new ice cream sandwich that I will be stocking in my freezer right next to them. Blue Bunny Frozen Yogurt Granola Sandwiches. The ice cream is creamy and delicious and I LOVE the cookie part. It's not really sweet and it doesn't get all over your fingers like the Skinny Cow sandwiches do. They do have more points than Skinny Cow with 4 but they are worth it.

Try them and let me know what you think. I found them at Walmart.