Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yes, I'm Keeping The Library In Business

OK, I polished off that last pile of books - yes, it's amazing what I can get done when I watch less TV - and am working my way through a new pile. Here's what I'm reading lately. What about you?

Not Quite A Mom, by Kirsten Sawyer is a slight but cute story about a young, wanna be TV star in L.A. who is given sole custody of a teenage girl when the girl's mother dies. She had been best friends with the woman in high school but was shocked to find she has been left the girl's guardian. It's mildly funny and mildly romantic, not great fiction but entertaining.

How To Lose Your Ass And Regain Your Life, by Kirstie Alley is an autobiography that is mildly entertaining, but that's about the best I can give it. It is written in a diary style and is rather disjointed and doesn't really explain enough about the things she talks about. But I still kinda liked it.

Helping Me Help Myself, by Beth Lisick caught my interest because it's a non-fiction book about a woman who is trying to make some changes in her life, so she buys every self-help book, goes to seminars, talks to life coaches - basically does everything she can to change her life and write about in a self-deprecating and supposed-to-be-amusing way. Unfortunately, I found this book so boring that I could only plow through about two chapters. There's too many books in the pile to waste my time on one I don't like.

The Navigator, by Clive Cussler is another rollicking adventure story about the men of NUMA (the National Underwater And Maritime Agency) who are oh-so-handsome and adventurous in their exploits. This time, they are involved with the wreck of an ancient Phoenician ship and a lost treasure. At one point Kurt Austin (Dirk Pitt is older and working at the agency - color me slightly saddened by this) has to bring his smaller boat up beside a huge, runaway tanker, scale a ladder up the side and arrive just in time to rescue the heroine. Be still, my heart.

Dedication, by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus is sort of depressing but sort of uplifting. I guess it depends on your perspective. Kate Hollis' old high school boyfriend is a major, major rock star and he has now appeared back in their hometown - just in time for Kate to confront him about leaving her without a word and taking the song his friends helped him write to make a million dollars, without giving them any credit. It's been 13 years and Kate has never forgiven him or gotten over him, but Jake is surprisingly receptive, surprisingly apologetic and Kate finds herself a part of his world, at least for a time. This is not your typical romance novel, even though my description makes it sound like that. I'd be interested to hear what you think.

Shadow Music, by Julie Garwood Do you like romance novels? Do you like WELL-WRITTEN romance novels? Do you like to read about the Scottish Highlands? Do you like a kick-ass heroine/princess who can shoot a bow better than her guards? Yeah, me too. Read this quote and then go get this book. Seriously.

Gabrielle hurried to catch up. "Father, you worry too much. I'll be careful as I have promised, so please quit your frown. Nothing's going to happen."

Two hours later she had to kill a man.

So. What are YOU reading?

Check out my Herald-Leader Blog today at: Top Ten Ways to Keep Your Sanity While Babysitting Your Grandson


Bunny B said...

Ooo... I see you have 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover in your TBR pile :) I'd love to read your review on it. I haven't read it though.

I just started with Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. I've never read her before. :)

Christine said...

I'm reading The Beck Diet Solution, the only diet book I've ever bothered to pick up. I love it so far; it is truly speaking to me.